If those, who believe they are not of the 144000, cannot attend the memorial, they should read over appropriate scriptures and pray for the event worldwide. You shouldnot put too much emphasis on your wealth. Its very strict. Youshould believe that any previous false teachings was Jehovah not giving full knowledge of doctrine until the proper time. avoid wearing clothing that is tight-fitting, revealing, or sexually provocative. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. A SUSPICIOUS woman was left horrified when her Jehovah's Witness husband was seduced during an outreach knock. You shouldaccept that the entire Protestantcanonof scripture is the only accurate compilation of bible books. Translation of the Old Testament was Hebrew and the New Testament was from Greek and Aramaic. Why there are Jehovah witness have subscribed their children to Violance Videos-Games ? You shallnot have your baptism nullified. However, this number was slightly smaller among this 2016 study showing 6 percent of Jehovahs Witnesses as being divorced. Elders shouldvisit members who do not voluntarily preach regularly. These rules govern each and every member of Jehovahs Witnesses. They are right about some things but MOST they got it all wrong and it is listed in the book of cults. You shallbelieve that the bible is historically accurate. These rules are requirements. For the past 4 or 5 years they have been walking/running around the same block, with no deviation, often from morning until night. I pray God will show Himself and His marvelous love to you. And then some rules seem a little bit ludicrous. If he is baptised then he will probably de disfellowshipped and then there will be zero contact with his family. I survived this cult too. Women are required to wear long dresses or skirts. A Jehovah's Witness is a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Letters are the specific shapes written in an alphabet. I couldnt enter another church for years and it took me forever to relax around Christmas. You shallbelieve that Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion. You shallnot gamble, participate in lotteries or any type of prize draw that relies on luck, even if the money goes to charity. The registration of Jehovah's Witnesses as a religious community is withdrawn in accordance with the Religious Communities Act and the Religious Communities Regulations.. Just wondering, if you have them, could I have a look at your sources? You shouldbe rebaptized if you feel you lacked sufficient biblical knowledge at the time of your baptism. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. You shouldnot put too much emphasis on your health. Here I am, 42, married to a worldly woman, and I still feel the repercussions of that decision. In Exodus 34:6 Moses asked the same thing and God showed him an incredible thing. You shallnot throw rice/confetti at a Jehovahs Witness wedding ceremony. If your an ex witness- its a popcorn moment. Any religion that wants your obedience and your money is for those who want to submit control. here is a brief list of things Jehovahs Witnesses are not allowed to do when it comes to sex and dating: While Jehovahs Witnesses do not allow getting drunk, Jehovahs Witness culture revolves heavily around eating and drinking. I told him she stands for goodness and kindness ,what dont you like? Elders shallnot share letters addressed to the Body of Elders with individuals not authorized to read them. You may accept pay from an abortion clinic if your work has no connection with the abortion clinic. In fact, they are very much pacifists. Read or share any information that is critical of the group. The purpose of dating is marriage. they are! They are programmed and brainwashed for the most part. Except for spankings. Pursue friendships with anyone who is not a Jehovahs Witness. But sure, I looked the word howah up in The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT), an actual dictionary, and it says disaster. You shouldbelieve that Jehovahs Witnesses will be the last religion to be attacked by world governments before God initiates Armageddon. The Jehovah's Witnesses' rules are many. You are correct. is a pivotal date in biblical chronology. Store owners shallnot buy or sell food produce that contain blood. You shall believe that only 144000 will go to heaven. Men shallwear suits with ties, or similar attire at Kingdom halls and when preaching. (Rebuttals Sushi no. You shouldnotattend religious social events. Essentially, Jehovahs Witnesses are expected to martyr themselves in the name of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of New York. They say Jesus was a profit like John the baptist. But Biblical Hebrew, at the time the Old Testament was written, didnt have the voiced labiodental fricative, either, which is what is usually written v. Worse yet, my other sibling broke nearly every single rule but was never subjected to the horror they put my brother through. Jehovah's Witnesses believe the bible was inspired by God and is historically accurate. A lot of the Jehovah's Witnesses' rules, if not . Sorry for the ramble, but I have spent a lifetime trying to make sense of the Bible, and I cant. Public health care workers performing health checks on prostitutes is permissible. As a result, the person that the future wife or husband knows is the . You shallnot divorce unless one marriage partner committed adultery. Jehovah's Witnesses like to talk about how they don't have rules--they have principles. Cain killed Abel, right, but that can be excused by the fact that Abel was a psychopath and a danger to the community, including to Cains children. Date anyone other than another Jehovahs Witness. The Christian husband, though he is not under the Law ( Ro 6:14; Eph 2:11-16 ), also does well to consider his wife's cycles and vicissitudes, dwelling with her "according to knowledge" and assigning her honor "as to a weaker vessel, the . It also mentions that the related Ugaritic word hwt means spell, curse. Im not sure what you are asking. What Happened in 1914 According to Jehovahs Witnesses? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You shouldnot take upa career in professional sports. Jehovah's Witnesses targeted by Russia's anti-extremism laws simply for practising their pacifist faith, say campaigners Jehovah's Witnesses Church 'did not report more than 1,000. Any of the cult members (myself included previously) will NEVER accept being misled and demonizing anyone who speaks out of the faith. Here we have a couple of quotes It is about $$$$$$ and is a commercial holiday. Elders shalldisfellowship anyone who breaks the rulesrepeatedly. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". These rules govern each and every member of Jehovah's Witnesses. If religious education is compulsory in your school, parents shouldensure that supplementalbiblical education is provided to correct or clarify using Jehovahs Witness literature. ), which means the opposer or something along those lines. Vera and I were baptized on January 26, 1985 in Bennekom Netherlands. You shall believe that Jehovah is the creator and the supreme being. The Adams County Sheriff's Office Hazardous . DIVISION OVER PRAYER: Family prayer time is greatly affected if the spouse is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because Jehovah's Witnesses believe that prayers should be directed exclusively to "Jehovah God" and women are not permitted to pray aloud in the presence of a man. You shoulduse your conscience in deciding on IVF. Why? You shouldnot play computer games that involve spiritism. Elders shallnot give a funeral service for those who commit a self-inflicted murder. The brain washing I received was crazy. That poster is NOT a Biblical scholar, and has NOT read the Bible, and has NOT learned Hebrew. Now I always question when my wife will leave due to my inexperience and skepticism. With regards to dressing and grooming, Jehovahs Witnesses are not allowed to: Jehovahs Witnesses are especially strict when it comes to sex and dating. That sound doesnt exist in Hebrew or Greek. One of their chief gods was named Enlil. If a qualified brother is out on the work with a woman she must either not lead the study/preaching or she should wear a hat to cover her hair a a symbol of her submission to the man. They could have spent all this time going to community college, getting a certificate or degree, and having a job (such as medical technician, etc.) You shouldconfess your sins to the elders. Here are the 25 'sins' Jehovah Witnesses must not commit: Jehovah's Witnesses can't do the following: The first on the list is that Jehovah's Witnesses cannot join the armed forces and defend their country. the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses for three months, allegedly because of their door-to-door proselytism and their propaganda in public places. You shallvolunteer to preach on a regular basis. Jehovah's Witnesses are given strict rules when it comes to dressing and grooming. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. You shouldaccept that apostates are mentally diseased. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Child abuse never reported i rhat is crazy .swems care less about the kids .sad .cult more anything. That was changed by the emperor Constantine. They were viewed and worshipped as gods because of their superior technology and knowledge. You should not exchange gifts at Christmas or have a Christmas dinner, unless an unbelieving partner requests one and your conscience permits. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. w16 September p. 18, Five Scary Core Beliefs of the Jehovahs Witness, Watchtower Quotes: Churches and Other Charitable Organizations. You shouldavoid not attendnon-Jehovahs Witness religious weddings or wedding ceremonies. Women shallnot serve on judicial committees. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the world is currently under the dominion of " someone evil ," and that things such as patriotism are a direct affront to Jehovah, to whom they are trying to return power. Jehovah's Witnesses adhere to the Bible's view of marriage and divorce. The Jehovah's Witnesses' rules are many. The case you quoted, you said your self that it was his choice, in this case, most here are just assuming it was his choice as well, simply cos na jw. The reason the people died was not because they were not Jewish but because there was uncontrolled and unfathomable sin. You shallaccept that 29 C.E. The member of the Jehovah's Witnesses church facing more than 50 charges, including rape and torture, has withdrawn his bail application as new details about the allegations against him emerge. The scribes and Pharisees were worshipping Jehovah, and Jesus literally told them that the god they serve was a liar from the beginning and a murderer. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. All theories taught as absolutes, unless the light gets brighter as it frequently dose anymore. Youll eventually see the hypocrisy that you are actively defending. I would like to add (as a defector and still Christian), many items on the list are abstained by many Christian churches. The more zealous a Jehovahs Witness is, the more serious they are about the dating rules and proper etiquette. You shallbelieve that the Bible is Gods word. If those, who believe they are of the 144000, cannot attend the memorial, an elder should visit their house and perform a simple service. Undergo hypnosis, whether it is for medical, psychological, or entertainment purposes. Always motivated by fear or guilt, 2 of the most potent brainwashing mechanisms humanity ever used. If you are legally required to vote in political elections, you shoulduse your conscienceto void your vote in the polling booth. You shall not believe that the wearing of a gemstone or birthstone has a good influence on your personality. You shouldnot believe that Satan is a creature with horns and lives in hell. My experience has been when I have asked and keep asking like my life depended on it, He answered! JWs are allowed to take their watchtower magazines and shove them up their ass. You shouldnot question theuse of male terms when referring to both males and females in Watchtower literature. 4 Do Jehovah Witnesses celebrate weddings? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Basically, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their own members will survive Armageddon, and live on earth after everyone else dies in the day of destruction. The head of a wife is her husband, and the spiritual head of a "sister" is a "brother". Probably the best thing I ever did for my children was to cut all ties with the Witnesses. And if asked about personality traits, they will likely mention megalomania, sociopathy, narcissism, etc. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. And then some rules seem a little bit ludicrous. You shallnot believe that the soul survives death. You shallonly file for bankruptcy as a lastresort. Participate in any interfaith activities, such as social events or fundraisers sponsored by another church. I was born and raised in the Organization. That said, I still have relatives that are witnesses, and I hope the best for them. Branch. Considering that Jehovahs Witnesses have so many rules, one would do well toconsiderGalatians 5:14when reviewing them. Sex outside of marriage is not allowed; however . What is the divorce rate among Jehovahs Witnesses? You shallnot lie, but you may refrain from telling the truth to those Jehovahs Witnesses deem do not deserve it. You obviously havent been a Witness for very long. You shall not wear casual clothing to kingdom halls or when preaching. They dont pass a plate, they had a mail slot for checks. You should not sing eastersongs, accept gifts/easter eggs ordraw/paint suchscenes. They say they are following in Jesus' footsteps, in obedience to his admonition to be. No matter who that may be; children, parents, spouse, etc. 3 To receive the blessings set before them, Adam and Eve would have to obey Jehovah and acknowledge his rulership. Sadly, the number one rule of any cult is to not read what or listen to anything contradictory because lies are always exposed when exposed to light. Their teachings are so random and insane. Women shallnot wear pants to kingdom halls. Good luck. Other rules are specific to the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. Fear of judgment or reprisals from your peers or guilt by not following the FFDS which is directed by Jehovah, disappointment from Almighty God. You shouldonly date fellow Jehovahs Witnesses. You shouldnot question the Governing Body. You shouldnot believe in miracles except for biblical miracles. The Elohim (which means gods) of Genesis and the OT scriptures were a higher more advanced alien civilization. The effects of these penalties also vary. Just before one of those meetings I was told that I should wear long trousers, a tie, and preferably a suit. You shallnot join the armed forces, in any capacity. Are the Jehovahs Witnesses a False Prophet? But not only do they have LOTS of rules, not all of them are written . In most cases, this comes in the form of a judicial hearing, likely to end in disfellowshipping, where the offenders family will be required to shun them and cut them off. You shouldaccept that the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 are all those who take the lead: Governing Body, the Branch Offices, Body of Elders, Circuit Overseers and Recommended Brothers. Elders shallinform the congregation if a member is disfellowshipped or disassociated by stating [member name] is no longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses.. To relax around Christmas given strict rules when it comes to dressing grooming. Something along those lines Bible & # x27 ; rules are many go! Also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website abortion clinic avoid wearing that!, etc is critical of the Jehovahs Witness wedding ceremony husband knows is the creator and New. 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