121K views 8 years ago When it comes to drain cleaning in Los Angeles or Phoenix, 80 percent of our time here at Twin Home Experts is spent dealing with drains clogged drains, drains that are. Lye should not be used to clean enameled cast iron pieces; it will dull the finish. Caustic soda is alkaline and vinegar is acidic, so it makes sense at first glance to pour vinegar into the drain and let it react with the hardened material to produce a salt that is far less harmful and will dissolve in water. Theme Kourtier Blog by. Think Night of the Living Dead kind of infestation. Lye is a corrosive substance that can eat away at metal, and cast iron pipes are no exception. Chemical drain cleaners can be effective at clearing clogs, but they can also damage your pipes if used too frequently or incorrectly. Lye drain cleaners also release heat (as do acid-based products) that softens and deforms plastic pipes. The pros of lye are that its effective against sticky clog-smears like what you find in kitchen sinks, as well as thick hair clogs in bathrooms. In addition, even though PVC is incredibly unreactive, most of these cleaning chemicals are . Most drain cleaners require 2 to 6 hours (or overnight) for results. Iluminameluna Pour the foaming mixture into your drain and leave it overnight. 6 Can you use lye to clean cast iron pipes? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Skip the flushing step if you still have standing water. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Furthermore, will Lye damage cast iron pipes? Lye is available in liquid, pellet, flake or powder from most home improvement or hardware stores. Over time, plastic containers not made of UV resistant material, if used outdoors, will become brittle and need to be replaced before they crack and leak. Since lye is so basic and caustic, it can harm PVC piping. Drain cleaners should only be used as a last resort when other methods of clearing a clog (like using a plunger) have failed. Will lye damage PVC pipes? Drain Cleaner Can Damage Your Pipes Drain cleaner is caustic, meaning it will eat away at your pipes even the tougher types. Chemicals used to unclog a toilet may end up helping, but using them is a huge risk. Some advanced hobbyists use sodium hydroxide aka lye to achieve a double-acting electrolyte/cleaning solution, but for most, the simpler . Terry's Plumbing: Are Chemical Drain Cleaners Safe for Pipes? These manual drain cleaners won't hurt your pipes. At the concentration recommended for cast iron cleaning, it is still a skin irritant and potentially damaging to the eyes. While safe for occasional use on slow drains, drain cleaner chemicals can damage your pipes and lead to expensive repair bills. A body is submerged in a solution of heated water and lye. You may recall from high school chemistry that chemical reactions can produce heat, and some produce quite a bit of it. Sodium hydroxide isvery damagingto human tissue (especially eyes). So how do we clean up that gunky old cast iron flea market find? Lets start by looking at why caustic drain cleaners are bad for your pipes. You can find this at Lowes on the Plumbing Aisle (not with the regular household cleaners.) Another benefit is you can clean pieces according to your own convenience, leaving them in the bath as little or as long as necessary, or even longer. }); Hier sind ein paar meiner Lieblingsdinge aus Gusseisen, Ce sont quelques-unes de mes choses prfres en fonte, Buttermilk Pancakes on a Cast Iron Griddle. If you do ultimately need a professional, don't let a plumbing bill stop you from getting one. . Because it doesn't float, you can use lye in drains even when there is standing water present. You can leave a cast iron pan in the lye bath virtually indefinitely without concern; the high pH of the solution actually works as a rust inhibitor. Misusing lye can result in injury, so always follow the directions on the package even if you've found another method elsewhere. It is important to understand that epoxy coatings are used for small diameter potable water lines. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Unclog drains with lye. PVC pipes can soften and eventually break. If you do not know how to fix a sewer backup and do not have a plumber fix your plumbing when the sewer backup is minor, the situation may progress to a more serious one. Reactions of Lye and PVC Since lye is so basic and caustic, it can harm PVC piping. This could detonate your drains, except the hydrogen gets safely absorbed by the sodium nitrate. If you do need to use Drano, be sure to follow the directions carefully and only use it as a last resort. Lye will react with metals such as aluminum, cast iron and steel. Like aerosol oven cleaner, a lye bath uses a caustic chemical, sodium hydroxide a/k/a lye, to break down and dissolve hardened greasy build up from cast iron pots and pans. And even then, you should exercise caution and use the minimum amount of cleaner necessary to get the job done. The outside mold was typically protected from damage by a controlled water bath or water spray system. To dispose of the lye, you can mix it with distilled water and pour it down the drain. Luckily, there are lots of other tricks you can try to clear your drains before you have to pay a plumber. Go! If it's still slow or if standing water remains, call a plumber. When they do, the clog simply gets pushed further down the pipe where it's even harder to reach and clear away. One of the problems with old cast iron is that it was sand cast, and has lots of variation in wall thickness. Since lye is so basic and caustic, it can harm PVC piping. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. So, it's best to use lye as a last resort, after alternative, more natural methods and snaking the drain. Pour the recommended amount of drain cleaner (about 200 ml or about 7 ounces) slowly into the drain. Use a drain auger, or snake, to clear blockages in the waste line past the trap. Lye should not be used to clean enameled cast iron pieces; it will dull the finish. This prevents boiling-hot, lye-filled water from splashing anything if it comes up out of the drain. But they're very corrosive to pipes (including galvanized steel, copper, and iron) as well as fixtures and fittings. You only need two ingredients for homemade lye water: Baked baking soda and water. When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. In such a case, the options are either a lot of elbow grease scrubbing or wire brushing, or electrolysis. Lye is an incredibly basic, alkaline metal compound (sodium hydroxide), often used as a soap for cleaning purposes. When they do reach the roots, they may also kill the tree itself and even nearby grass and plants. If swallowed, lye will burn the esophagus and can cause death. It will not cause any damage to the pipes. If you are adding lye to a sink or tub full of standing water, make sure the water is cold. Avoid getting lye in contact with your bare skin as it can cause chemical burns. This solution can eat away at the pipes, causing them to break down over time. George Brazil Plumbing & Electrical: Do Chemical Drain Cleaners Damage Pipes? When you do, make it a point to tell him that you used lye in the drain. If you have standing water, you can skip this step. Lye breaks down organic matter and in a hot environment, the decomposition is accelerated. The lye in Drano eats through organic matter and pipes. Lye, NaOh, Sodium Hydroxide, caustic soda, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and similar cleaning products, in concentrations above those recommended below. Avoid inhaling the fumes created by lye mixed with water. If youre looking for a drain cleaner that wont harm your pipes, you have a few options to choose from. When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. Unfortunately, it generates heat as it does so, making it best to avoid using lye in PVC and other plastic pipes. Sodium hydroxide is a highly caustic base and alkali that decomposes proteins at ordinary ambient temperatures and may cause severe chemical burns.It is highly soluble in water, and readily . To be toxic to humans or animals, it would need to be ingested. If you do need to use it, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and take precautions to avoid damaging your pipes. 3. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, Thornton & Grooms: Is Caustic Drain Cleaner Bad for Pipes? These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Lye (sodium hydroxide or caustic soda) is . which consists of sodium carbonate. The short answer is yes, drain cleaners can be bad for your pipes. <br> <br>But if you want to outsmart the system, remember that there's a . PLUS At The End Of This Article We advise how you can Determine Which Type Of Sewer Pipes Your Home Has.. But is drain cleaner bad for your pipes? applying all that acid will be very expensive and won't work well unless you block off the lowest point and fill the pipe completely, let it soak and then drain it. | Our Plumbing Trainer Explains, link to Can You Put Olive Oil In The Oven, 5 Common Cat Behaviours And What They Mean. John loves to research the things he deals with in his everyday life and share his findings with people. Great advice and easy to follow instructions. My options are cast iron, or the plastic utility type sinks used for laundry, or stainless steel, but I really don't like stainless steel sinks so hopefully the others will be okay. Lye can burn the skin and damage the eyes in the dry or wet form. The information provided on AnswerFoundry.com is published as general information and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content provided. Remove the bucket from your drain and flush it with cold water. Chemical Drain Cleaners Can Harm Pipes Chemical drain cleaners are caustic or oxidizing. You could also try making a homemade drain cleaner. Sodium hydroxide x Small quantities of acids/alkalis may be poured down the drain with copious amounts of water. These are safer for PVC pipes but still need to be used with caution. Heres the problem: Chemical drain cleaners, such as caustic cleaners (containing caustic soda or lye), are bad for your pipes and your health. 2. If you have a clogged drain, you may be tempted to reach for a chemical drain cleaner. It comes in liquid form, flakes, or crystals. However, if you use them too often, the chemicals can build up in your pipes and cause corrosion. The pros of lye are that its effective against sticky clog-smears like what you find in kitchen sinks, as well as thick hair clogs in bathrooms. It's very easy, and inexpensive, to prepare a homemade version as a substitute. Do not add too much lye at once or the excessive heat can cause the water to boil or it can melt plastic pipes. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For use in kitchen and bathroom sinks, tubs, and showers. Are Drain Cleaners Bad for Pipes? What does lye do in pipes? The answer is yes and no. That's because household water (especially water from a private well) contains the chemically similar minerals manganese and iron. If you've tried everything and your drain is still clogged, it's time to call a plumber. Rust: LYE does not remove rust, do the following: Soak pieces in solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water for several hours. You can rent one pretty inexpensively at a tool rental shop. It is a white solid ionic compound consisting of sodium cations Na + and hydroxide anions OH .. Lye gets hot enough to boil water as it works in the drain, so it's important to start out with cold water rather than making hot water even hotter. Following compounds may be disposed by flushing them down the drain if there are only small quantities: Salts of light metals like calcium chloride or sodium sulfate. Lye should not be used to clean enameled cast iron pieces; it will dull the finish. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Lye should not be used to clean cast aluminum ware as it will dissolve it. What chemicals should not go into a septic tank? Brace the Trench Walls. If youve ever had a clogged sink or toilet, you know the frustration that comes with it. Apr 29, 20221. These cleaners can cause serious damage to the pipes if used improperly. Lye and bleach can lead to serious chemical burns on the skin, in the eyes and in the respiratory system if not handled properly with full protective gear. Lye drain cleaners also release heat (as do acid-based products) that softens and deforms plastic pipes. However, one advantage of diluting lye with water is that you can safely dispose of it right in the drain; it will unclog any fat or hair residue leaving your drains clear. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Lye, also called caustic soda and sodium hydroxide, is a substance frequently used to make soap. While the basics of lye use are generally the same, every manufacturer may have its own special instructions for its product. | Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, How to safely unclog drainage with lye Umami Days, Is Drano Bad for Your Pipes? Cast iron rusts, and cast iron drain pipes fail. A Michigan Tech Explains, MassLandlords.net: Two Kinds of Liquids to Fix a Clogged Drain, InspectAPedia: Chemicals That Should NOT Be Flushed Into a Septic Tank. Pour 1 heaping tablespoon of lye crystals into the drain. Only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. If you toss these down the drain you will be killing off all the good bacteria that help to break down waste and keep your system running the way it should. We kill roots. Wear nitrile or latex gloves when handling lye. If you use bleach properly and with caution, there's no need to worry about any possible problems that might occur with your drain pipes. Caustic drain cleaner can cause painful burns, and lead to permanent tissue damage or scarring. In his professional life, hes a real-estate businessman. Lye is available in liquid, pellet, flake or powder from most home improvement or hardware stores. Heres the problem: Chemical drain cleaners, such as caustic cleaners (containing caustic soda or lye), are bad for your pipes and your health. Avoid getting lye in contact with your bare skin as it can cause chemical burns. Glass should be used with caution because it may break due to the heat released when lye reacts. The Science: How Baking Soda & Vinegar Help Unclog Drains Vinegar is made up of water and acetic acid, which is (you guessed it) an acid. If drain remains clogged, repeat steps 1-5. Open windows to provide ventilation. Wait for about 10 seconds, then turn on the faucet and allow water to flow slowly into the drain. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. If you're using lye to unclog a kitchen sink, clear the sink first. At the strength used to clear clogged drains, lye is absolutely hazardous to anything organic it contacts. I do not believe either to be the case when used and disposed of properly. Do not put vegetable and fruit peels, coffee grounds, bones, or cheese in the garbage disposal. Do not mix lye with other chemicals. I originally used a 4 gallon plastic scoopable cat litter container because it had a tight fitting lid, and would hold most pans up to about a size 9 completely submerged, along with some smaller pans hung with coat hanger wire alongside. Cast iron pipe was used primarily as sewer pipelines from the 1970s to the early 1980s. 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