Andr agreed to continue exploring his ancestor's memories on the condition that Berg not lie to him again. On the occasions in which she was forced to act outside of these boundaries, she often took on an apologetic tone; this was shown on at least one occasion when she emailed Juhani Otso Berg regarding his use of her allocated parking space at Abstergo's offices. After hearing this, Laetitia accepted her mistake and gave Berg the authorization to reform Sigma Team. Shaun also placed a mood stabilizer on Layla's neck, to ensure she did not succumb to the Staff's influence again. [51], By November 2019, Berg remained a captive of the Assassins who attempted to interrogate him for information. Juhani Otso Berg is a fictional character first introduced via the 2012 community-oriented project Assassin's Creed: Initiates. [1], Layla returned to Abstergo and continued her work there for the next three years: she was issued her own portable Animus, but her satisfaction with her job grew stale,[1] as her infamous reputation caught the Templars attention and she started suffering disciplinary measures. Berg also handed her the Templar pin that had belonged to Albert Bolden, instructing her to give it to Andr, as Berg himself was too busy cleaning up the mess caused by the drive-by shooting. vocabulary. The quest Three Symbols Entombed in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is divided into three quests: The Agamemnon's Symbol, Eteokles Symbol and Orion's Symbol. With the Staff in hand, Layla made contact with the Isu Aletheia, whose consciousness resided within the Staff, and took on the title of Heir of Memories. However, he did possess a strong determination when fighting against the Assassins, and even a streak of cruelty, shown through his desire to see their mind and spirit broken, before allowing them to die by his hands. In order to discover the symbol you have to get to the top floor of the tomb. This was from a collaborative crossover with Assassin's Creed and the Final Fantasy series, particularly Final Fantasy XV. Juhani accessing the Inner Sanctum office, Berg bearing the marks of his encounter with Assassins, Early design for Otso Berg in Assassin's Creed: Templars, Juhani Otso Berg's outfit as the Black Cross, Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer Exekias the Legend . If a third party was truly feeding from the Templars, then their money must be redirected somewhere it shouldn't be. Plus you unlock amazing new skills which is very much fun. Berg accepted to go to Montreal, and help Violet with her tasks, to reform Sigma Team as soon as possible. You have to complete three support quests: Agamemnon's Symbol, Eteokles's Symbol and Orion's Symbol. In the meantime, he convinced Andr to once more enter the Animus to further explore the memories of van der Graff. Abstergo was able to abduct Soora and his fiance, Monima Das, but the Assassin, Jasdip Dhami, caused their truck to crash into the river, in which Jasdip rescued Soora. Once you have collected all three symbols, you will return to the simulation, but with locked controls. [22], Violet and Juhani at the Abstergo Entertainment office, In November 2014, Juhani revealed to Violet that he had only used an Animus to view his own ancestry once, and discovered that one of his ancestors was a Viking raider who had participated in the Lindisfarne raid in 793. [49], In the lab, Berg and the Assassins watched as Juno, now with a physical body, was trapped in a illusion conjured with the Koh-i-Noor by Elijah, who betrayed the Instruments for the murder of his mother. In AC Odyssey, Astra was a Boeotian woman and cousin of Deianeira, one of the Champions of Boeotia and she is also one of the members of Heroes. It was there that Layla grew up alongside her two younger brothers, Rami and Kaden. to the Abstergo cloud server. There's a symbol on one of the tombs. While Berg is a Templar field agent that's specifically trained to hunt down the remaining Assassins, it's unknown if "Assassin Hunter" is a Templar rank. Berg and Sorkin followed the Assassins to La Rochelle, where the Assassins escaped via the ships that were waiting for them. [25], Berg was briefly able to get the upper hand in his fight against Voronina, breaking her Hidden Blades, and forcing her on the defensive. Assassin's Creed Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [38], As a former member of the Finnish Special Forces, Juhani possesses a diverse knowledge of melee and ranged combat, due to being trained in martial arts. Find a Book. After months of work, she managed to build an Animus capable of processing DNA not her own and also excessively damaged DNA. The team received a strange message, from an unknown location, that promised a solution, which eventually led them to a Viking grave in North America dating to the ninth century. By the end of that year, she relented on her stance and became a member of the Assassins, befriending several members, including Charlotte de la Cruz, Arend Schut-Cunningham, and Harlan Cunningham. 6/10 Spreading The Plague Or Save One Family. Each one of the packets included a small clip of video that, when coupled together, formed an Isu memory that showed nine members of the Isu uploading their DNA to the human gene pool using an odd device, intending to reincarnate themselves in the future. She asked that Berg leave her sight for a while so that she could concentrate, to which he replied that he is going to have a chat with Guernica Moneo, a member of Erudito and, secretly, an Instrument of the First Will. Following this event, Layla's relationships with the other members of her Assassin cell became strained, and she was reassigned to an Assassin cell with Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane. [37], One month later, back in Montreal, Berg and da Costa further talked about the odd events that transpired within Hong Kong. [32], To prepare for his role as the new Black Cross, a role Berg viewed as a cutting from the Assassin Brotherhood grafted to the Templar Order, the Templar decided to study the lives of prominent Assassins such as Altar Ibn-La'Ahad,[33] Ezio Auditore da Firenze,[34] Edward Kenway,[35] and Ratonhnhak:ton. His last name, Berg, means "mountain" in several Germanic languages. [38], Berg's inspirations included Al Mualim,[55] Haras,[56] Haytham Kenway,[57] Duncan Walpole,[58] Baptiste,[59] Vali cel Tradat,[56] Shay Cormac,[24] Lucy Stillman, and Daniel Cross, all of whom were traitors to the Assassin cause.[56]. [36], By February 2017, Berg had fully embraced his role of Black Cross; accomplishing his official duties during the day while anonymously rooting out corruption from the Order by night with the help of Andr Bolden. during Kassandra's . [29], Berg convincing Bolden to continue to session, After agreeing to Andr's demand, the two returned to the facility and Berg explained to the team that they not only had to face a fractured timeline but also had to deal with the real possibility of losing track of the entire bloodline of the Black Cross due to Jan van der Graff being Andre's ancestor instead of Solomon Bolden. Berg then informed the Assassins that the Koh-i-Noor was buried in a mass grave in the Spanish hillside, about 60 miles south of Barcelona and that if the Instruments were to find the jewel first, they would be able to resurrect Juno and bind the other Pieces of Eden. After he gave the finger to England, a seated Berg jumped on the Black Cross, feigning to be enraged by his insolence, but was thrown across the room. After a conversation with her, you will exit from the simulation and explore the tomb in Layla's body. [23] Some time later, Berg took over security in Abstergo Entertainment's Montreal facilities, posing as an independent contractor working for Abstergo. However, at that moment, a car drove past and shot at them. Human The real Diona is a worshipper of the Bloodline cultist. From this work, she learned of the Spartan misthios Kassandra who had wielded an Isu weapon, the Spear of Leonidas. Declaring Layla the prophesied one who would bring balance, she requested her to, when her job with the artifact is over, destroy the Staff and all the Pieces of Eden with it, continuing Kassandra's life work. [24], With Berg's use of the video with Shay's memories as a faint, Berg caused the Assassins to empty a few safehouses, shut down a few servers, put up some new firewalls and flushed out the Assassins' man in Montreal almost instantly. It was during this time she met Sofia Rikkin, who was part of a delegation of Abstergo touring the campus with the company's "young innovators" recruitment program. However, she was denied this offer due to her numerous transgressions against Abstergo protocols. [3] Layla is also an adequate swimmer, being able to dive underwater to find the hidden city of Atlantis, albeit with the assistance of scuba gear. There, on the wall, you'll find three white stars. [11] Maestranzi, not wanting to abandon the base, detonated a bomb that destroyed the Assassins' hideout and files, and killed all of Sigma team except for Berg, who suffered burns that left facial scarring. It explained everything from Jacques de Molay's vision of the Templar Order to the history of the Swords of Eden. [14], In November 2013, Berg led an Abstergo team to India assigned to retrieve Jot Soora, an employee of MysoreTech and a descendant of Raza Soora. Juhani Otso Berg (born 1985) is a former member of the Finnish Special Forces and a high-ranking agent of the Operations Division of Abstergo Industries, as well as the leader of Sigma Team. Norse sagas have recorded Finnic peoples, but very little contact. [17] Layla killing Victoria was later compared to the 2012 incident when Desmond Miles killed his ally Lucy by her former-teammate Kiyoshi in 2019. With it she was able to dispatch the members of Sigma Team sent to find her without much effort. [31], Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer Exekias the Legend . As she raised a rock above her head to kill him, Sigma Team arrived and intervened. She was granted American citizenship through a process known as naturalization. Abstergo Foundation Rehabilitation Center, Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Qubec, Assassin's Creed Origins: Official Game Guide, Subject header: "You're looking at it the wrong way", Subject header: "You have to be kidding me", The Fate of Atlantis: Judgment of Atlantis, There Is Now Some Final Fantasy XV In Assassin's Creed Origins. Berg pulled out a pistol, reminding the analyst that refusal meant death. Though Berg was attacked by Daniel, who apparently suffered another attack of the Bleeding Effect, he was able to neutralize Cross and returned him to Abstergo. Coming from Southern Finland, he is more likely to be a Finno-Swede, descendants coming from Sweden possibly in the 1200s. [27] In August the same year, the Earth's magnetic field continued to increase in potency since the 2012 coronal mass ejection, resulting in huge electromagnetic disturbances worldwide creating an aurora borealis over the entire world. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. [19], In May, Otso Berg was entrusted with the mission of finding any information about the Ankh of Isis. For me kinda gone off the AC series since desmond's death, i kinda played a bit of origins but i have completed odyssey but i dislike the consistent combat in AC Odyssey but Origins offers more shield base combat. Political information [2], Initially, Layla revealed difficulty while trying to synchronize to Eivor, as two different data streams overlapped in her DNA would sometimes destabilize the simulation. In 2016, he took on the mantle of the Black Cross, believing the position had become necessary once more. Otso Berg Despite the mood stabilizer in her neck, Layla could still hear the hum of the Staff even with it being locked in a glass box; this hum would usually make her stare longingly at it before breaking herself away. They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. This was the last time Kiyoshi worked with Layla. While Violet pointed her gun at Berg, a army of Templar soldiers arrived, surrounding her and the Instruments. Hathaway accused the Templar Order of heresy, causing tension among all the members, and then presented his research. Realizing that Kassandra's associate, Phidias, knew the meaning of these symbols, Layla relived the memories of Kassandra's brother Deimos, who was responsible for the sculptor's murder, despite the dangerous effects on her mind, at which Bibeau was forced to remotely pull her out. Go down to the bottom of the tomb. [17], Layla infiltrating the Tokyo Abstergo facility, In mid-2020, Layla and her recently assigned replacement cell consisting of Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings traveled to Tokyo and reunited with Kiyoshi. The suit features gauntlets equipped with a grappling hook that can be used for climbing. This article is in need of more images and/or better quality pictures in order to achieve a higher status. Head to the big door to find it locked. [29], After Andr woke up, neutralized two men and fled the complex, Berg belayed Caitlin's order to apprehend him, stating that Andr would not get far. Charlotte, having witnessed how powerful the Instruments were and what they were capable of, accepted his offer and proposed to start by locating the Koh-i-Noor. Currently, it is available to play on gaming platforms like PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia and Microsoft Windows. [31], At the lab, Berg was approached by Violet and Freddy. [31], Otso and Violet arrived at the lab, only to find the murdered body of Caitlin Gift lying on the lab floor. Following the death of her physical body her brother Ramy sent her an email expressing his worry at her absence, an email she would not be able to respond to. [8] Nine days later, in Helsinki, Finland, Juhani was seen spending time with his daughter. They also stopped to erase his DNA data from the Abstergo database. Born As both sides argued about their ideologies and alignments, Arend found an old image of the Spanish Assassin Ignacio Cardona standing alongside a soldier, which Berg identified as the Black Cross Albert Bolden. There's at least one choice in Assassin's Creed Odyssey that I wish I hadn't made, where I wish I'd gone down a different path. Berg demanded to know why Abstergo money was going to the Assassins, to which Lemair swore that they didn't know about it. They can be defeated easily, but youll feel the ramifications of killing the innocent sister. Theres a moment at the very start of the cutscene where youll see that Diona is choking her sister, though it is easy to miss. menu. [3][2], One night, an Abstergo team headed by Dr. Warren Vidic broke into Berg's home and apprehended him. [19] After Layla, the only one with detailed Animus experience and training, entered the simulation of the Venetian Assassin Bastiano da Mezzo, they discovered that their informant was his modern-day descendant, Dr. Kazui, and they moved to extract him. [14], Having successfully unlocked Atlantis, Layla entered the room, where she was greeted by Aletheia and joined by Victoria, who was concerned about her friend's wellbeing. Maybe you can avoid my mistake . Resulting in the death of their man in Montreal despite having kept a low profile during the "incident". [44], Arriving in Spain, Berg and the Assassins were seperated into teams to locate the artifact. When Andr asked him what to do about the restaurant, Berg told him not to worry, as they owned it. Sorry, we've got no plans for mobile versions of this game guide. Your character will beat the man to get information what is going on. [10], In October 2017, as part of a Historical Tactical Team, Layla and Deanna were assigned by Simon Hathaway to find and retrieve an important historical artifact from the Qattara Depression in Egypt. He then ordered Violet to complete the mission; she took the Shroud and wounded Rebecca before escaping. They faced off as the building began to be engulfed in flames. He told the group that given the current situation, he could not approach Abstergo for help and that both he and My'shell were following the trail of the Templar money to Geneva. [22] Disguising the doctor in an Abstergo guard's uniform, the four Assassins were successfully able to exfiltrate him before Abstergo knew about it. Through a transceiver from one of the deceased operatives, Layla helplessly listened in on Sigma Team as they stormed Deanna's hotel room and eliminated her. Thanks to their trick, Berg was now sure that for the foreseeable future, the Sanctum would stay impervious to the fact that the Black Cross was one of their own. After Juno was killed by Charlotte, Berg and the Assassins fled the now collapsing lab and were confronted by Violet and an army of Instruments. As Jasdip attempted to kill Charlotte, Berg threw the Templar pin at him, stabbing him at the right side of his face, forcing Jasdip to retreat via a helicopter. This was so that Layla would not fall to the Staff's influence and corruption. She even met them backstage after a gig of theirs at the Madison Square Garden in 2000. Died [8] Layla soon discovered that they had started working on a Portable version of the Animus models, information that was hidden from her. Juhani Otso Berg [27], Ten days later, Hathaway interrupted a meeting by the Inner Sanctum and asked to present his case or face the consequences for having stolen the Sword of Eden, damaged Abstergo property and deleted the memories of his ancestor and shared classified information with Anaya Chodary and Victoria Bibeau; Berg and lvaro Gramtica were alerted so they could once more attend. After Andr asked Berg to explain what he meant by life and death and what it was all about, Berg revealed the truth of the situation to him, regarding the Templars, Assassins, the Pieces of Eden and the Black Cross. [6], On 16 November, Berg was sent to New York City by Laetitia England, in order to investigate a cyber-security breach related to artifacts that Abstergo was tracking, one of which was located in a Manhattan penthouse. Like World War I, which took decades to erupt, the Gradwitz-Znaeym feud has reached epic proportions by the time the story takes place. Otso then revealed to Bolden that the Abstergo goggles he found in Hong Kong were from the company division in Europe, and decided to head to Berlin to investigate further. In addition, she also started self-destructive behavior with her smoking and downing pills. Yet, everytime, even when clicking "remember me" on Uplay, it keeps logging me into my second acc, and everytime I have to unlog and relog into my main acc to play odyssey . He showed respect for both the Assassins and his fellow Templars, as shown in a series of logs regarding certain figures from both factions across the ages, who had inspired Berg in certain ways. She was present for the Tahir Square demonstrations. Juhani was raised in countries such as Afghanistan, Kurdistan and Oman. [2] Layla also witnessed some visions in the Viking's memories that confirmed to the cell that Eivor was indeed the late reincarnation of Odin, as the visions represented altered versions of the Isu's own memories. Through Abstergo's experimentation with a Staff of Eden and his knowledge of Hermes' Staff, Berg was able to regain use of his legs. Locating any modern descendants of Bolden would take time, and Berg expressed that they should look into other matters in the mean time. Affiliations When Berg arrived, Jasdip and Soora had already fled and the Brahman destroyed and concluded that the Assassins were nowhere closer to finding the Koh-i-Noor than the Templars. [16] Having been affected by the power of the Staff, Layla taunted Berg after defeating him. Finnish is one of three Uralic languages and not Germanic. [2], Layla screaming her frustrations at Abstergo, During her early years, Layla Hassan was noted by her colleagues for her strict adherence to policy and protocol. [54], Despite Juhani's ruthless personality, he was not a cruel man at heart. Nevertheless, Layla was able to convince the Isu to let her back in. 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